Health Services

Absence from School 

* Please call the school nurse, Ms. Amy Lynn, at 908 204-2633 X103, as early as possible on the day of your child's absence.

For the safety and security of your children parents are asked to call the School Nurse, (204-2633, x103) before 8:45 A.M. if a child will be absent from or tardy (arriving after 9:00 A.M.) for school. Please note in your call if you anticipate the absence will last more than one day. If the school is not notified of your child's absence, the nurse will call your home to determine the reason for the absence. 

Students who have been absent from school are expected to bring a note of explanation from a parent or guardian. Children returning from a period of illness are expected to be well enough to resume the normal schedule which includes outdoor play, gym, etc. If the physician does not believe the student is ready to resume a full program, special arrangements can be made (see Physical Education Excuses). 

Administration of Medication 
Bernards Township Board of Education Policy 5330 requires that any medication including over-the-counter medications (except Tylenol, if approved in writing on the emergency card) requires a completed "Medication Order" form that contains the following information: 

  • Parental Permission
  • Physician's Order-Diagnosis, Medication, Dosage, Route, Time, Side Effects, Length of treatment, Activity restrictions.
  • All medication must be delivered in the original labeled bottle to the school nurse by the parent/guardian.  Students may not bring medications to school on their person or in backpacks.

Home Instruction 

The Board of Education will provide instruction in lieu of classroom instruction, in cases when confinement by a physician and absence from school is expected to be 10 school days or more. 

Physical Education Excuses 
Students requesting permission to be excused from physical education class for up to two classes must bring a note from their parent/guardian stating the reason they are unable to participate.  All notes are to be sent to the school nurse.  For an extended physical education excuse (longer than two classes), a student must submit a note from a physician stating the reason for the excuse and the date on which the student may resume participation. 

Emergency Cards 
Emergency cards are kept on all students. It is important that they be kept up-to-date. Changes to the information contained on the Emergency cards should be submitted in writing to the school nurse. 

Health Related Entrance Requirements 
All students enter pre-school, kindergarten, or transferring into the district must have a physical examination and updated immunization record completed between September 1 of the year your child is entering school and September 1 of the previous year. 

Hearing and vision screenings are conducted annually for all children in Grades K-4.  Scoliosis screening is offered biannually for all children 10 years of age or older.  The results, if not within the accepted normal range, will be referred to the parent. 

Academic Attendance-Board of Education Policy 
"The Board shall require from the parent or guardian of each child who has been absent from school or class for any reason, a written statement of cause for such absence or tardiness. The Board, through the school administration, reserves the right to verify such statements and to investigate the cause of each absence of more than three days duration or repeated unexplained absences or tardiness." 

When a pupil has been absent 10 days in any one school year, the principal/assistant principal will notify the pupil's parent in writing of the number of dates of the absences and possible adverse academic consequences.  A  copy of the notice will be sent to the District Attendance Officer. 

Advance written notice is to be provided to the principal. No other reasons for student absences are deemed to be appropriate by the Board of Education. Where extreme extenuating circumstances create the necessity for a student absence due to any other reason, a written request must be submitted at least one week in advance to the school principal.  "Unexcused absences are not condoned by the Board of Education. All work or tests missed because of such absences become the student's responsibility." 

In the elementary school the responsibility will generally fall upon the parent. The parent will be expected to contact the teacher, after the absence, for any missed assignments.

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